About me


At the age of 18 Vitezslava began her singing education with various Conservatory teachers. Her last and most important one  was the soprano soloist of the State Opera and teacher Simona Procházková, where she attended for 4 years.

Numerous performances with the pianist Petr Novak brought the experience not only in the field of church music. Together with harpist Katarina Sevcikova, Vitezslava sung in Duo Angelorum for four years, where they

presented themselves with a mixed repertoire of pop, classical, musical, and film music.

Recently Vitezslava cooperates as a solo mezzo-soprano with the choir Collegium for Sacred Music under the leadership of Vít Aschenbrenner, a musicologist, harpsichordist, organist and pedagogue, who focuses mainly on

the interpretation of Baroque music.

The ensemble performs on various occasions (church services, dramaturgically complete concerts, etc.) mainly in West Bohemia and Germany, as well as at international festivals.

A selection of performed compositions:

BRENTNER, Johann Joseph Ignatius (1689–1742): Offertorium de Martyre
BRIXI, Franz Xaver (1732–1771): Regina coeli in G
BRIXI, Franz Xaver (1732–1771): Regina coeli laetare in C
BRIXI, Franz Xaver (1732–1771): Missa brevis in a minor
CALDARA, Antonio (1670–1736): Caro mea vere est cibus (motet)
CALDARA, Antonio (1670–1736): Ego sum panis vivus (motet)
Grancini, Michelangelo (1605–1669): Dulcis Christe (motet)
HORÁK, Václav Emanuel (1800–1871): Missa Pastoralis in G major
LIECHTENAUER, Paul Ignaz (1673–1756): VI. Missa S. Joannis Nepomuceni
SEHLING, Joseph Anton (1710–1756): Offertorium ex D. (Joseph Anton Sehling)
SCHMALFUS, Franz Ferdinand Cosmas (1730–1811): Missa ex D
SCHMIDT, Ferdinand (1693–1756): Ave Regina Caelorum in G


From the review of the concert on 10/08/2023: “The soloist impressed with her dark mezzo-soprano, in the middle fast part with her brisk coloratura.” (in: ULRYCHOVÁ, Marta: Happy Connection of a Musicologist and

Informed Interpretation. Consortium Musicum and its performance in Přimda.

For 15 years Vitezslava has also accompanied various wedding ceremonies in the Czech Republic and also in Ireland.

Her ability to express and convey feelings and emotions with her violin as well as her unique voice make every wedding and concert an unforgettable event that touches the soul.

Vítězslava (Victoria) Krahmerová was born in Pilsen, where she graduated from a fashion design school.

Vitezslava is fluent in Czech, English, and German.



From the age of 5 she was under the pedagogical guidance of Vlasta Frieslová for 2 musical cycles (for 13 years) at the Pilsen 5th Elementary Art School.

During her studies, she successfully participated in various competitions as a solo artist and with a piano trio. She was also active as a member of various chamber music groups.

She participated in music courses of the outstanding leading Czech violinist Jana Vonášková-Nováková.

For a long time Vitezslava played the first violin in various orchestras.

Particularly noteworthy are the four years in the internationally renowned and successful Irish Cork School of Music Symphony Orchestra and the Cork Symphony Orchestra.

For 4 years she played in the baroque chamber orchestra Consortium Musicum under the leadership of the above-mentioned Vít Aschenbrenner.

Next musical experience was in the 1st violin section in the Pilsen Orchestral Association,  followed by the Collegium Musicum Symphony Orchestra in Bocholt, Germany, and then the CVUT Symphony Orchestra at

Charles Square in Prague.

Numerous performances with the pianist Petr Novak brought the experience not only in the field of church music. Together with harpist Katarina Sevcikova, Vitezslava played in Duo Angelorum for four years, where they

presented themselves with a mixed repertoire of pop, classical, musical, and film music.

Nowadays, Vítězslava performs solo concerts in the field of pop-classics genre along with singing.

Úzkou cestou


Buď Bože se mnou

Hudební video

My Album

Velvet Voice

Music Video

Stanou se zázraky


  • Mr. and Mrs. Berkovcovi
    We would like to thank Vítězslava for amazing musical accompanying of our wedding celebration. It did perfectly match and made many people cry, including us. She helped us also to choose the rights songs. The fact, that Vítězslava also fitted her dress into the colour of our wedding pleased us. We are very happy with her service for us and would love to recommend her for your wedding day.
  • Courtyard Marriott Pilsen - Management team
    Great cooperation with Vitezslava for accompanying wedding festival event in our hotel Courtyard Marriott Pilsen. Very emotional and professional performance!
  • Martina Košanová, PR Cheff Science Library Pilsen
    Very well matching repertoire and great cooperation during the Opening in the Austrian library in Pilsen.
  • Restaurant Spilka Pilsen
    Vítězslava was a real highlight on our birthday celebration, that we carefully planned for so long. Also thank to her was the celebration an unforgettable experience also for many of our guests.



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Napsali o mně

  • Manželé Berkovcovi
    Děkujeme Vítězslavě za úžasný hudební doprovod při našem svatebním obřadu, perfektně podtrhl atmosféru a hodně očí nezůstalo suchých. Skvěle nám pomohla i při výběru písniček a v neposlední řadě bylo super i sladění barvy jejích šatů do barvy naší svatby. Byli jsme nadšení a moc doporučujeme dále.
  • Courtyard Marriott Plzeň - Management hotelu
    Velmi příjemná spolupráce s Vítězslavou při zajišťování hudebního doprovodu módní přehlídky během svatebního veletrhu v hotelu Courtyard Marriott Plzeň. Velmi emocionální a profesionální výkon!
  • Martina Košanová, PR vědecká knihovna Plzeň
    Skvěle vybraný repertoár a milá spolupráce při vernisáži v plzeňské rakouské hudební knihovně.
  • Restaurace Spilka Plzeň
    Vítězslava byla zlatým hřebem na naší vyjímečné narozeninové a dlouho plánované oslavě. Díky ní byla oslava opravdu exkluzivní a nezapomenutelná i pro naše hosty.



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